Friday, January 27, 2012

Best Picture Race

1.The Artist
3.The Descendants
4.The Help
5.Midnight in Paris
7.The Tree of Life
8.War Horse
9. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

I'll start from the top and continue down.  Extremely Loud Now  and Incredibly Close was shocking to be nominated it has been ignored by almost every award show.  War Horse is disliked by too many critics and hasn't won anything major. Tree of Life is something that is so polarizing that it really can't win it will receive a lot of first place but simply not enough. Moneyball,Midnight in Paris  and The Help are both very forgettable and haven't received enough campaigning or critical support to win. The Descendants is definitely a major dark horse I think that in a different year this could win if had won more awards and gotten more nominations I could definitely predict it too win but it just hasn't risen to the top. Now Hugo definitely could  win I think a lot of other blogs may tell you that Hugo is third but I disagree for two reasons first the fact that it has been nominated for more academy awards than The Artist and the fact I think that it has the best chance other if not more than the artist to win the DGA and the DGA often lines up Best picture. However I think even if Hugo win the DGA The Artist will still win best picture. It's won almost every award in sight, gotten numerous nomitations and is backed by the Weinsteins.  If there's any downside The Artist has it that possibility The Artist could split the vote with Hugo and the Oscars based on the weinstons track record could decide to give best picture to another film to spread around the wealth. That's unlikely The Artist will win Best picture.

Winner: The Artist

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